Why are you reading this?

This is my website, and I thought I'd put a blog post section as a throwback to the beggining of the internet, when every site was a blog. I'll probably write here very infrequently, however I tend to have some interesting thoughts here and there. At the moment, I'm about 6 months into my first full time job as an electrical engineer at Cyngn. Cyngn is a software development company focused on creating retrofits for industrial vehicles that will enable autonomy, and the ability to increase warehouse and industrial efficiency by a significant factor. I was, and still am very excited to be a part of this company, as we are in the forefront of automomy, and are specializing in enviorments which are desperate for autonomy, and have a solid stack that can enable these capabilties in more controlled locations.


Time has been on my mind for... quite a long time. There aren't enough hours in the day, or enough energy in my to get everything I want to get done. What is the best way to do the most amount of things in the least of amount of time? I want to organize a lot of my ideas in order to fully understand which are most important, and which I should prioritize to maximize my use of time.

Current Projects

I have a few projects i've been working on recently that need some higher order thinking...

more thoughts on their significance later...